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  • Writer's picturethebohemianbuddha

An Attitude of Gratitude…..

Be grateful!

“For what??!!” I may hear some of you utter, under your breath, “What have I got to be grateful for?”, is a normal response for so many people, “I’m not earning enough!”, “I didn’t get my promotion!”, “I only got a £1000 pay-rise!”, “Urgh I only live in a 4 bedroom house!”, “Oh I have a son, but I really want a daughter!”, “Oh but I haven’t got this, that or the other!’ STOP RIGHT NOW!!

Let’s take a deep breath in and breath out really slowly, and another deep breath in, let every ounce of Oxygen fill your lungs and now breathe out slowly, listening to your heart as it slows down….relax….relax…..relax….NOW open your mind, look at the things you’re surrounded by, your home, your family (even if they can annoy you at times), your computer, your ability to read this, those lovely deep breaths that you just took that filled your lungs with some much needed oxygen….think about the list of positive things you have around you and that list is endless, is it not? It’s these things that I want you to focus on NOW!

The very first rules (and I’m not a fan of that word but it will suffice for now) of the law of attraction is Gratitude. One of the things I have learnt over time is that if I’m not grateful for the ‘little’ things I’ve been blessed with, how can the Universe trust that I’ll be happy with the slightly bigger things, or the even bigger things or the huge things that come to me?

Have you ever known someone who is constantly complaining about how rubbish their life is? How they never seem to win anything, how ‘so and so is lucky because they have money’, or they have a nicer car, or a bigger house, or better job or, or, or, or……Now I can see some of you nodding your heads vigorously in agreement, and now the $64,000 has that ever been you? I know it has been me in the past! My goodness, I never seemed to be grateful for anything that I had, from having a roof over my head, to having an income, to having great friends….and the most important thing I learned, was that my lack of gratitude was bringing more and more negativity my way, from redundancies, to money problems….to, well, to all sorts of issues.

The universe kept sending me warnings, but as I was in a negative/lack of gratitude state I just kept ignoring all the signs. Until one day something quite big happened in my life that made me re-assess everything that I was doing mentally. The main thing I learnt was that my lack of gratitude had brought about a profound wake-up call and I had to finally sit-up and take note, I couldn’t keep wallowing in my ‘lack of gratitude’ life, it was doing me no good at all, in fact it was having a major detrimental effect on my health. Being told by my GP that I probably had breast cancer was one of the worst moments of my life and that time of waiting for my test results has been amongst the hardest that I have ever had to face, I am one of the lucky ones as I was finally told, after numerous tests including painful mammograms and biopsies, that my tumours were benign but just to be sure they would perform a double biopsy to remove them. I am so grateful for them every single day, because, had it not been for that, I may still have been living in the lack of gratitude state.

Since then I have kept a gratitude journal and every morning and every evening I thank the universe sincerely for blessing me with good health, amongst a whole list of all the things I’m grateful for everyday. The shift that occurred was really quite amazing, doors began to open, more and more positive people came into my life and I found that I was waking up in a more positive state, ok, I do sometimes have less than positive days and that’s fine, at the end of that day I do my best to learn the gratitude lesson and move onwards and upwards.

So how can one move out of the ‘lack of gratitude’ state? Well like me, everyday, first thing in the morning, write down a list of at least 5 things that you are grateful for, that happened to you the day before. By doing this first thing in the morning, you are setting yourself up to have a very positive day, which means that tomorrow morning you’ll have a few more things to add to your gratitude list from today, which means you’ll have an even better day, which means the day after that will be even more positive and so on and so forth. Do this every morning for at least 21 days and I promise you, you will start feeling the shift from lack of gratitude to an abundance of gratitude, which means the Law of Attraction will begin to work in your favour! By opening yourself up with gratitude you are opening yourself up to start receiving more of the things you want…go on give it a try….what have you GOT TO GAIN?

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